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Mehmet Ali Yerdel M.D.  Board Certified Professor of Surgery

He attended numerous training programs in Turkey, Japan, UK, France and the USA. He received his basic laparo-endoscopic training in Okayama, Japan. He completed the “Advanced Laparoscopic Skill Acquisition Program” at Yale University, New Haven, USA, where he specialized in anti-reflux and anti-achalasia treatments. Besides being the first to perform a weight reduction operation at Ankara University, he is a hepato-biliary surgeon, trained under the supervision of Prof. Paul McMaster (Birmingham, UK) and Prof. Henri Bismuth (Paul Brousse, France). For the last 15 years, he has primarily focused on laparoscopic upper GI surgery, comprising of bariatric operations, anti-reflux and anti-achalasia procedures. Prof. Yerdel is also an expert in colonoscopy, gastroscopy, manometry and Phmeter studies. He is a member of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO).

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